Arthritis is also known as “wear and tear” or “degenerative arthritis” mostly affects older people. It is more common in women and people with a family history.

Osteoarthritis affects the cartilage lining of the joint, which makes movement more difficult and causes pain and stiffness.

The joint cartilage normally acts as a shock absorber. When the cartilage lining becomes thinner, it is more difficult for tendons and ligaments to keep the joint stable. This can cause swelling and the growth of bony spurs. If the loss of cartilage is extreme, it can cause the bone to rub against the bone, which can change the shape of the joint.

Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative joint disease, is one of the most common diseases of aging joints. Cartilage is a firm, flexible connective tissue that is present in many parts of the body and enables almost frictionless joint movements. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones in the joints gradually deteriorates.

In arthritis, the smooth surface of the cartilage becomes rough. When the cartilage is completely worn down, the bone rubs against the bone. Loss of function, lack of exercise and persistent joint pain are just a few examples of the effects of this degenerative disease on daily life.


Adult stem cell therapy is a minimally invasive approach to treating the structural and systemic aspects of joint pain to improve quality of life. It can also relieve pain, improve mobility and reduce scarring even in severe cases of degenerated joints.

Fatty tissue is the most accessible, abundant and potent source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), the most important adult “repair” cell found in all tissues and organs of the body. The combination of adult stem cells and regenerative cells in adipose tissue can cause the following:

    • Address widespread ignition
    • Transform into and replace bones and cartilage cells
    • Prevent further premature cell death and tissue death
    • Reduce scars
    • Modulate abnormal immune responses
    • Stimulate the growth of new blood vessels for better circulation

Adult stem cell therapy can really improve or prevent severe osteoarthritis by regrooming cartilage and reducing inflammation of the bone edema. In early treatment, the actual goal is to prevent progression of cartilage loss, bone damage and severe pain. In later treatment, the goal is to rebuild the cartilage or reduce bone inflammation and edema so patients can experience relief and return to the activities of daily life.

The advantages of stem cell therapy can last from months to years. Patients report less pain, more activity and more exercise. However, stem cells cannot solve mechanical problems such as a fracture or a free piece of bone that require surgery. However, problems with missing tissue, inflammation and degeneration can benefit greatly from stem cells.

Prof. Dr. med. Philip Schoettle
Office hours Monday to Friday by appointment

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