STEM CELLS THerapy Cartilage regeneration


Cartilage regeneration using stem cells

In the light of the ageing population, skeletal tissue is increasingly affected. Chronic and inflammatory diseases of the joints and the spine, including osteoarthritis and disc degeneration, are the main causes of daily life limitations in the elderly. In cell-based therapies for cartilage repair, transplanted ADSCs play a crucial role in cartilage defects due to their interaction with local chondrocytes. Studies show that the implantation of mixed stem cells (ADSCs) and chondrocytes in cartilage defects induces desirable in vivo healing results. The BMP family members BMP-2, BMP-4 and BMP-5 are downregulated, and VEGFB, HIF-1α, FGF-2 and PDGF are significantly reduced after co-culture. These results suggest that the interaction between stem cells and chondrocytes have potential for cartilage repair and regeneration and are advantageous for cartilage tissue engineering.  Mensicus tissue is also frequently affected by degeneration and can lead to pain and promote arthrosis. Through the application of ADSCs we were able to observe early meniscus regeneration, which supports the thesis of chondrocyte regeneration, as meniscus is also cartilage tissue.

Prof. Dr. med. Philip Schoettle
Office hours Monday to Friday by appointment

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